This singer was once a waitress at Chili's 🌶️

Are you listening to your biggest supporters? 👏

Can you imagine a world without Kelly Clarkson’s voice and music? Well, if it weren’t for encouragement from her friends, she may still be taking orders at Chili’s and waiting to be discovered...

We all know Kelly Clarkson as the OG American Idol winner in 2002. Back then, the show was a bold experiment. With no previous seasons to reference, it was a complete unknown. But it was Kelly’s support system, particularly a friend named Jessica, who saw the opportunity and persuaded her to audition.

After some contentious voting (if you know, you know) Kelly won in the finals with 58% of the vote. It’s rumored that after winning American Idol, she bought Jessica a new Corvette as a thank-you 🔥

video preview

Fast forward to 2024, and Kelly is on top of the world making music, hosting a talk show, and covering songs that often put the original version to shame. Not to mention, she is looking better than ever and reclaiming her power post-divorce.

What is the takeaway here? Sometimes, it's the people closest to us who see our potential before we do. Their nudges, whether gentle or tough, can be the push we need to chase after opportunities we might have dismissed.

"When multiple people believe in you, it might be time to believe them."
– Adam Grant, Hidden Potential

So rather than listening to your inner critic, listen to the voices that cheer you on. They may be the confidence boost you need to go for it.

Throwback Thursday ⏮️

Even in 2024, Mr. Feeny's wisdom still endures. Next week, a friend of mine, Christina Vanacore, is attending '90s Con and has a meet-and-greet scheduled with the Boy Meets World cast, including the actor who played Mr. Feeny. William Daniels is currently 96!!! But he's still out and about meeting fans.

In the spirit of all things F-F-F-FEENY, here is one of his sage quotes that I think especially holds up in the age of social media:

“If you let people’s perception of you dictate your behavior, you will never grow as a person.”
- Mr. Feeny

What goals would you go for if you weren't held back by what other people would think? Mr. Feeny's quote is a reminder to break free from the chains of imposter syndrome and go for the things you want, fearlessly. 🚀

Headline of the Week 📰

Have you ever seen an anti-marketing campaign? To prevent potential mayhem, The City of Miami Beach released a PSA discouraging Spring Break tourism. I admit the acting is a bit corny, but I was so surprised to see this. I guess the troubles caused by Spring Break chaos outweigh the economic benefits of having more visitors.

The city warned Spring Breakers to expect curfews, bag searches, early beach closures, DUI checkpoints, $100 parking fees, and arrests for drug possession and violence.

Isn't Spring Break basically next week?! I think the city should've released this PSA earlier... sorry, but trips are already booked! I also wonder if this spot will spark The Streisand Effect. Will this just motivate visitors to wreak more havoc out of spite? We'll have to wait and see... buckle up!

Making the Brand Podcast 🎧

Being plugged into pop culture isn't a fun pastime... it's in a marketer's best interest. When you know what's trending in popular culture, you literally know what's popular. And when you know what's popular, you also know your audience better. They are the ones who dictate the trends.

In episode #102 of Making the Brand, I chat with Kate Stewart, an assistant professor of PR at Jacksonville State University. Kate is one of the biggest believers in pop culture and is known for incorporating trending topics into her curriculum. She also shared an epic list of media outlets and resources to help you stay-in-the-know on the latest pop culture headlines!

Small Business Love 💜

Meet Jamie Kushner Blicher, an artist who uses a different kind of paintbrush to bring her projects to life: sterile IVF needles.

Jamie started creating art using IVF needles during her own challenges trying to conceive. She saw it as a way to channel her frustration and take back control of the item that caused her so much physical and emotional pain. And now, as the founder of Glitter Enthusiast, Jamie is inspiring countless conversations about infertility and helping others through it.

Proceeds from her creations go toward RESOLVE — a non-profit providing free/low cost support women and men diagnosed with infertility 🫶

A Crystal Ball for Marketers 🔮

This newsletter is free thanks to sponsors like Klaviyo — your go-to platform for smarter email marketing, SMS, reviews, and so much more.

They just introduced Klaviyo AI, which is like a marketer's crystal ball ✨ it takes the guesswork out of content creation!

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  • Create targeted segments without sifting through lists
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  • Develop smart SMS campaigns AND replies
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Klaviyo AI sets the stage for smarter marketing decisions that help your brand make more money with less effort. See how it works!

That’s all for now! Thanks for letting me hang in your inbox 💌

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